Third grade students visited Mr. Bulaevsky's website - Integer Bars - and had fun using his colored bars to make sums - only one of many possible math lessons using this applet.

In the first activity the students were told to find as many ways to make the sum of 8 using exactly 3 integer bars. At first this was a challenge for some but they eventually arranged their integer bars on the screen to total the number 8.

After the students arranged "number trains" using 3 bars to make a total of 8, they were challenged to make as many "number trains" as they could using only 4 bars to make the number 10.

Math class flew by in a flash and the students did not have time to write the number sentences for their "trains." Mrs. Weeg printed their work (using a print screen capture) and the next day the students wrote number sentences for each train that equals the desired sum.

David's work

Takara's work

Dejontrice's work

Jay's work


| home | global projects | interactive math applets |

Math presentation prepared by Joyce Perdue and Patti Weeg
for the National Title 1 Conference - Tampa, Florida: January 24-26, 2002
| Authors in Residence | Elementary Math Students in the CyberZone |
January 2002