Open Notepad in Windows and create a small text file.
Save the file to your 3.5 inch diskette.
Exchange your diskette with a partner in class and tell them the filename you used.
You will send the file on your partner's disk back to her/him via e-mail.
Retrieve the file while in Notepad.
Highlight the message text and click on "edit" and "copy."
Go to Netscape mail and open a new mail message.
Put your partner's e-mail address (or nickname if she/he is in your address book) in the
"To:" field. Write a subject line.
Click in the message area and then go to "edit" and click on "paste."
You will see the text flow into the message area.
You can also "attach" a file to a message by clicking on "attach." You will see a screen for "attachments." You can attach a file or a URL.
When you click on "attach file" you will be prompted for a path for that file. If the file is on a diskette you type A:(filename).
The file will be attached but you won't see it. This is the way to send image files.